Healthy Aging® Month Sponsorships

Healthy Aging Month poster

Sep­tem­ber is Healthy Aging® Month Partnership Opportunities

Right to use Healthy Aging® logo on Healthy Aging® approved spon­sor materials.

Right to use Sep­tem­ber is Healthy Aging® Month in approved pub­lic­ity themes.

Sponsored post on Healthy Aging® website, magazine, digital newsletter.

Article in Sep­tem­ber is Healthy Aging® Month electronic newslet­ter.

Spon­sor logo or list­ing in Healthy Aging Month ad to appear on Healthy Aging® web­site and newsletter.

Resource guide, 8 page brochure for sponsor distribution. Panel spon­sor mes­sage, logo, resource list­ing options.

Healthy Aging® Month poster. Logo on bot­tom of poster.

Web and Social Media Contest

What’s Your Secret for Healthy Aging®? Contest challenges public to submit their ideas for positive lifestyles.

Social Media and Publicity

Social media and pub­lic­ity sup­port pro­vided via Twit­ter, Face­book, Pin­ter­est and Instagram.

Bi-monthly newslet­ter to Healthy Aging® data­base high­lights news as well as pro­mo­tional tie-ins.



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