The 2018 New York Times Travel Show will take place Jan. 26-28, 2018, at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City and Healthy Aging® Magazine is one of the official media partners. The Show, the largest travel trade and consumer convention in North America, marks its 15th year in 2018
Next year’s Travel Show will open with a Trade Day, open exclusively to travel industry professionals and writers, on Friday, Jan. 26. Saturday, Jan. 27, and Sunday, Jan. 28. will be open to the general public, as well as travel professionals and media.

More than 300 travel show visitors attended Healthy Aging® Magazine Travel Seminar on Active Travel
Healthy Aging® Magazine will lead a panel of active travel experts on Sunday, January 28. Last year’s panel attracted an audience of over 300 show-goers looking for ideas on where to go next.
Plans are underway to raffle off a free stay at one or more vacation spots. Details to be announced at a later date.

Carolyn Worthington discussing travel ideas with show-goers at Meet the Experts session
Carolyn Worthington, publisher, will also lead a “Meet the Experts” session where show-goers can meet her and ask for ideas on a one-on-one basis. Last year, travelers looked for ideas on where to travel solo, active destinations with moderate exercise, and even ideas for where to retire beyond the usual U.S. sun coasts.
The Travel Show is the largest and longest-running trade and consumer travel show in North America, featuring the Travel Industry Conference, Consumer Seminars, and an interactive Exhibition including more than 500 exhibitors representing travel to all seven continents, positioned within 16 pavilions (including Adventure, Africa, Asia, Australia/South Pacific, Canada, Caribbean, Cruise, Europe, Family, Latin America, Mexico, River Cruise, Travel Products, U.S and Wellness Pavilions). In addition to discounts and special offers, the show provides educational seminars and live entertainment for families, individuals, couples and seniors.
Overall attendance at the 2017 Travel Show was 30,099—the highest in trade show history. The largest growth was from consumer attendees, which came to 20,846. These consumer traveler attendees estimated that they would spend more than $100 million in travel trips in the next 12 months, according to Travel Show survey results.
Trade attendance was once again strong at more than 9,200, which included more than 4,500 travel agents. The estimated volume of travel business represented by the travel agents in attendance was a record $3 billion, according to Travel Show survey results.
Participating exhibitors also hit a new record with 560 companies representing over 170 countries. In addition to networking and negotiating new deals with travel agents, the 2017 exhibitors estimated that they created additional consumer traveler sales of approximately $6 million, on-site or shortly thereafter, according to Travel Show survey results.
Over 1,000 members of domestic and international media – covering all seven continents and dozens of nations and regions – attended the 2017 Travel Show to gain insights from industry-focused seminars and conferences, in addition to two days of consumer events that featured nearly 300 travel industry speakers and experts.
For more information: and follow@NYTTravelShow as well as @healthyagingnet for the latest New York Times Travel Show news.