September is Healthy Aging® Month 2024

Healthy Aging® Month SeptemberIt’s time to celebrate September Healthy Aging® Month, the annual observance month designed to focus national attention on the positive aspects of growing older.

What’s It All About?

The observance month began more than 30 years ago as part of our National Healthy Aging® Campaign to continue to draw attention to healthy, active lifestyles at any age.

The month was created in 1992, by Carolyn Worthington, president of Healthy Aging®, the official multi-media platform promoting the month.

“Our goal in creating the month was to draw attention to the positive sides of growing older. We felt there needed to be a second time during the year in addition to May is Older Americans Month. September was chosen because so many people feel they can “get started” more easily at that time. Maybe the back-to-school routine never really goes away.”

Now, after more than three decades, Worthington sees the national interest in continuing healthy lifestyles well into older ages has never been stronger.

“We were pleased to announce that the U.S. Senate unanimously passed the resolution marking September as National Healthy Aging Month in 2021,” Worthington said. Numerous governors prior to that proclaimed the national observance month for their states as well.

“We are proud of our efforts to continue to build awareness for healthy lifestyles. Since we kicked off the observance month, the myths of aging have been chipping away”,  Worthington said.

“Of course, there are still stereotypes about older adults,” Worthington said. Perhaps the baby boomers embracing aging like no other generation started turning the tide. It is not unusual to see people in their 80s and 90s doing spectacular things today.”

Latest Pioneers of Aging

It wasn’t that long ago that 105-year-old Julia “Hurricane” Hawkins set a Senior Games world record in the 100-meter dash. Just the thought of a centenarian running even a few steps seemed outlandish a few years ago, never mind that would ever be athletic events embraced by oldsters.

Not too long ago, 93-year-old Everett Kalin, a retired professor, climbed Yosemite National Park’s Half Dome at 8,800 feet.

But, successful aging is not limited to physical feats.

What’s Your Successful Aging Success Story?

There are so many other success stories out there. Share yours with us at the official site for September is Healthy Aging® Month either by emailing us for a possible feature article on the website,, or sharing via Facebook

So, let’s all continue to celebrate older adults who follow life with a passion, give back, and inspire others. Here’s to celebrating positive lifestyle choices, especially during September is Healthy Aging® Month!


The official 2024 September is Healthy Aging® Month poster is now available.

If you are a health educator or administrator or simply want daily inspiration, the September is Healthy Aging® Month poster is the perfect visual for you.

The motivational poster captures the essence of a healthy lifestyle … dream big, look forward, and climb every mountain no matter how impossible it may look.

The 4-color poster is 18” x 24” and printed on high-quality 80 lb. cover stock. The poster is shipped promptly and arrives rolled in a shipping tube. Posters are shipped promptly.

Single print posters are $15.95 plus postage and handling.

Quantity discounts and the option for adding your corporate logo are available. Email: for further information.

Healthcare Educators Tips for Poster Use

The 2024 September is Healthy Aging® Month poster makes an excellent lead-in to any wellness program discussion. If you are a health educator or wellness coordinator, you can use the poster to kick off sessions on the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Topics ideas include getting and staying in shape, the importance of challenging the mind and spirit, and why making a commitment to better health and keeping up social connections are critical.

Healthy Aging® Magazine Celebration Discount for Friends and Family

Order a subscription to Healthy Aging® Magazine for friends and family and receive 20% off the subscription rate for the September is Healthy Aging® Month promotion.

Use promo code: 20percent (Valid until 9 30 24)

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