Photo: Michael Schwartz
Fall is here, and we are proud to publish our latest issue of Healthy Aging® Magazine, filled with inspirational profiles of people who embrace positive lifestyles or who have overcome adversity, articles from leaders in their field on health issues as we grow older, active travel, and, of course, food, food, food!
In this issue, you will love the Adventurous Cycling in Tenerife by Michael Chauner, contributing writer for Healthy Aging®, is an international cyclist, coach, and “Organizador de Viajes “ (Organizer of trips!). Cooks will enjoy the fabulous recipes in the articles, More Benefits of the Mediterranean Diet and Vegetables to the Rescue.
Fall always reminds us of how Healthy Aging® has grown. It’s hard to believe that it’s been over 30 years since we started the Healthy Aging® Campaign, the platform from which Healthy Aging® Magazine springboarded.
It all began with the production of public television specials and educational materials on the positive issues of aging.
Back then, it was about those older people ahead of us! And it was before the baby boomers were about to turn 50. At that time, we were amazed by the first of the many pioneers of successful aging … people in their 80s and 90s doing extraordinary things. The Greatest Generation was leading the way to poo-poo old age from sports to pushing off retirement to continue to be productive.
These warriors beat down the myths of aging. Ageism was (and in some cases still is) a big issue.
We saw the need to profile these fantastic people and brushed off the naysayers who would tell them, “You’re too old to be doing that.”
And, so, over the years, we kept on growing the Healthy Aging® multi-media platform with a mission to help people think more positively about their lives. The messaging inspired us, and we wanted to carry the torch for others.
As we grew, we kept up with technology. We started with producing public television specials that were also made available as video tapes (remember those?) and later DVDs. We launched the Healthy Aging® website, digital newsletter, social media, and special events, particularly in the active travel category. The magazine started in print and now has segued into all digital.
A key component to developing the Healthy Aging® platform was the creation of “September is Healthy Aging® Month.”
We chose September so there would be a second time of the year to celebrate positive aging, in addition to May being Older Americans Month. September seemed perfect for our active aging messaging … It’s the time of year when many of us still have that “back to school” feeling and are ready to re-energize.
We are especially proud that the U.S. Senate unanimously passed the resolution marking September National Healthy Aging Month in 2021.
In 1990, around the time we began to promote September is Healthy Aging® Month, I was fortunate to be a guest at the President’s Council on Physical Fitness special event at the White House, featuring Arnold Schwarzenegger, the chairman and first lady, Barbara Bush. I’ll never forget her radiant smile that seemed to reflect how she genuinely appeared to be impressed by him.
So, it is fitting that our cover feature is of Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is about to release his latest book, Be Useful. Seven Tools for Life. The inspirational book is very much of a pump-up for how to have a meaningful life. Many of his ideas are mirrored in the Healthy Aging® content, which is why I personally love this book!
We hope you enjoy this issue and use this fall to get motivated to embrace a healthy lifestyle, be it physically, socially, mentally, or financially. As a special incentive, you can grab one of our inspirational September is Healthy Aging® Month posters. And you can take advantage of our 70% off subscription rate using PROMO CODE: 70percent through the end of September 2023.
Enjoy the fall, our latest issue, and let the next adventure begin!
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